Essais œnologiques en conditions de production
Validation d’équipements ou de technologies de vinification en condition réelle
Are you looking to innovate or outsource your R&D ?
We support you in your innovation project with a tailor-made R&D service:
research collaboration, product creation or improvement, prototyping, industrialization assistance, studies, auditing, technological consulting …
We rely on the expertise, know-how and equipment of the research laboratories
and technological platforms of the Université Bourgogne Europe and l’Institut Agro Dijon
in order to meet your innovation needs; by mobilizing the appropriate fundings .
An expert researcher in your field helps you to meet the challenges of innovation and research in your sector.
With the support of our R&D laboratories, we carry out research, audits, analysis and evaluations (product, service, situation, organization, etc.) in our various fields of expertise. We also support you in the creation of new products, services or processes.
We help you to co-construct with researchers a clear R&D program, adapted and sized according to your objectives and your constraints by guaranteeing the implementation of the necessary means to carry out the project:
Our teams of experts, engineers and technicians support you with your industrialization projects:
Validation d’équipements ou de technologies de vinification en condition réelle
L'Imagerie et la Vision Artificielle à votre service !
Une recherche pionnière entre lumière et matière !
Intégrez les nanotechnologies à vos produits !
Analyse de matériaux, réalisation d'essais normalisés
Développement de technologies informatiques, de modèles linguistiques adaptés et de corpus d’apprentissages innovants
Evaluez et améliorez la qualité de vie au travail
Rendre vos produits intelligents, c’est possible grâce à la mécatronique !
90 % des produits de la prochaine décennie n’existent pas encore... Concevons-les ensemble !