We support you with your innovation process, from the idea to the realization of your project, and offer solutions adapted to your needs.
Our team of engineers and technicians specialized in the field of health, medical devices and well-being relies on the scientific skills of the laboratories of the Université Bourgogne Europe and Institut Agro Dijon, through the UMR* INSERM 1231 LNC, INSERM 1093 CAPS, Laboratoire Imvia, ICMUB.
Thanks to the financial support of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region, we have state-of-the-art equipment and materials to meet your demands and innovation projects.
(*) Unité Mixte de Recherche
Our team supports you in your R&D projects and/or carries out analyses, according to your needs, with the scientific support of our network of researchers in Burgundy.
Main partner laboratory: UMR Lipides, Nutrition, Cancer (LNC)
Research themes: mass spectrometry techniques
Development of hydrophobic compound assays in complex matrices
Technological advantage: reliable results without interaction with the matrix compounds
Possible use: assays of endotoxins in biological fluids or foods
Main partner laboratory: UMR Lipides, Nutrition, Cancer (LNC)
Research topics: macroscopy, light and electron microscopy, video-microscopy
- Realization of the labeling protocol and imaging
- Slide preparation and/or image analysis
Technological advantage: custom-made protocol according to the type of samples
Possible use: development and feasibility of immunolabeling
Main partner laboratory: UMR Lipides, Nutrition, Cancer (LNC)
Research themes:
- State-of-the-art equipment available
- Advice, training and development of new methods
Technological advantage: multi-lasers for the study of several parameters simultaneously
Possible application: analyzing cell types and sorting cells
Main partner laboratory: UMR Lipides, Nutrition, Cancer (LNC)
Research themes: Bioinformatics Medical Genetics
- Exome and genome sequencing
- Genome-wide data analysis | Diagnostics
Technological advantage: An innovative method of bioinformatics analysis of genomic data
Possible use: diagnosing rare diseases
Main partner laboratory: UMR Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l’Université Bourgogne Europe (ICMUB)
Research topics: bio-distribution studies, pharmaco-imaging, therapy and surgery guided by imaging and internal vectorized radiotherapy
Radio-conjugate production, directly injectable in small animals
Technological advantage: bio-conjugation on small structures (antibodies, proteins)
Possible use: studying the bioavailability of anti-tumor molecules
Main partner laboratory: UMR Cognition, Action, et Plasticité Sensorimotrice (CAPS)
Research topics: neuromuscular development of athletes
- Physical performance, training and recovery analysis
- Testing and product co-development
Technological advantage: physical and physiological parameter analysis
Possible use: testing recovery products, food supplements
Main partner laboratory: UMR Cognition, Action, et Plasticité Sensorimotrice (CAPS)
Research themes: movement studies for health prevention and autonomy
- Movement, posture and balance analysis
- Construction and implementation of consumer tests and focus groups
Technological advantage: knowledge and innovative posture, balance and aging tests
Possible use: testing the impact of a product or exercise protocol on the elderly
Main partner laboratory: UMR Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l’Université Bourgogne Europe (ICMUB)
Research topics: pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices, food and environment
- Quantitative and qualitative product composition analysis
- Optimized performance of reagent properties
Technological advantage: development and validation of analytical methods
Possible use: optimizing products, quality control
Are you looking for training in one of our skills
We offer tailor-made R&D programs that guarantee you access to state-of-the-art scientific and technological expertise and technical resources.
Scientific and technical platforms
State-of-the-art equipment and laboratories
A team of experts and scientists at your disposal
- Development of a method to quantify endotoxins in complex media: blood, urine, bile, wash water, food…
- Development of specific immunolabeling techniques for human and mouse organ samples
- Creation of the Orphanomix diagnostic service highlighting the genetic variations involved in human pathologies
- Imaging: 111In, 68Ga, 64Cu, 89Zr / Therapy: 177Lu, 90Y
- Creation of an adapted movement bank in practical cases for an innovative rehabilitation device
- Characterization of the benefits of a food supplement on an athlete’s recovery
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