About us

About Sayens

Making science
the future of innovation


Since 2013, Sayens has been bringing promising scientific results to the fore, transforming them into innovation for the benefit of companies and start-ups, a source of growth and job creation.

Committed to working alongside researchers and companies to make science the future of innovation, Sayens relies on the expertise of 6,500 researchers and 4,000 doctoral students from the 140 public research laboratories of its shareholders in the Grand Est (Lorraine and South Champagne-Ardenne, Troyes) and Burgundy-Franche-Comté regions.

As a SATT (Société d’Accélération du Transfert de Technologie), and by relying on the laboratories in its territory, Sayens simplifies and strengthens interactions between public research and companies to accelerate technology transfer and innovation.

Our team of professionals in intellectual property, project management, marketing and business development of innovation, is committed to your side whatever your innovation project.

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Our region

A local player, Sayens is located in the heart of the regions, as close as possible to the companies and researchers, teams and laboratories of its shareholder institutions. It operates in a geographical area that covers part of the Grand Est region (Lorraine, South-Champagne) as well as Burgundy-Franche-Comté.


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Sayens, key-figures
at 31/12/2023


Innovation detections since 2014


Intellectual property assets in portfolio


Projects in portfolio


M€ invested in 183 projects


Start-ups created


Active licenses


M€ /year R&D turnover


Best state of the art R&D

Sayens Identity

French SAS Company


Creation date:
November 2013




French government funding:
60 million over 10 years


Catherine GUILLEMIN,
since July 2016


68 permanent employees (at 31/12/2023)

Friday 29 June 2018
Le 29 juin 2018, au terme d’une campagne de consultation de ses actionnaires, salariés et partenaires, l’Assemblée générale votait à…

SATT Network

SATTs are local players that simplify, accelerate and facilitate the transfer of technology from public research to companies of all sizes.

With an investment capacity that is unique in France, the SATTs detect and protect inventions, finance and support the resulting innovation projects until they are adopted by companies, while bearing the technological and financial risk inherent in these projects.

More information on the SATT network



Disclosures evaluated
(at 01.01.23)


Priority patent applications filed
(at 01.01.23)


License agreements
(at 01.01.23)


Start­up created
(at 01.01.23)


M€ raised by SATT Startups
(at 01.01.23)

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