We support you in your innovation process, from the idea to the industrialization, and offer you solutions adapted to your needs.
We rely directly on the technical and scientific skills of our research staff and on the scientific independence of the laboratories of the Université Bourgogne Europe and l’Institut Agro Dijon, which are the UMR(*) Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM) et Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (CSGA).
With the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region’s financial support, we have state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to offer innovative analysis solutions and ambitious partnership research programs.
We also have the Centre de Ressources Technologiques (CRT) and Plates-Formes Technologiques (PFT) certifications. For more information
(*) Unité Mixte de Recherche
Our team supports you in your R&D projects or carries out, according to your needs, analyses with the scientific support of researchers in Burgundy.
Main partner laboratory : UMR Food and Microbiological Processes (PAM)
Specific research topics : new sources of protein (legumes, algae, insects…), food packaging (biodegradable, active, edible…), co-products, sustainable materials…
Biosourced packaging / materials | New protein sources, | Agribusiness co-product development | New ingredients
Technological advantages :
- Lab and pilot scale equipment (HP homogenizer, extrusion cooker, super/subcritical CO2/H2O extraction…)
- Multidisciplinary team
Possible uses :
- Developing and characterizing organic packaging (PLA poly-lactic acid, chitin, lignin…)
- Integrating new protein sources (kibble for animals made from insect proteins)
- Formulating food with low environmental impact (textured vegetable proteins)
- Research into new ingredients (a Clean Label approach: non-ionic substances, antioxidants…)
Main partner laboratory : UMR Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM)
Dry product decontamination | Microorganism conservation | FML FMS (développement de nouveaux aliments fermentés) | Métabolomique du vieillissement du vin et spiritueux | Oxidative stability | Sélection de ferments d’intérêts
Technological advantage : oxidative stability, powder stability, quality of food, conservation, fermentation, decontamination…
- Food microbiology expertise (decontamination, conservation and production of microorganisms)
- Physico-chemical stability of food (oxidative stability, texture evolution, aromatic profile…)
Possible uses :
- Development of accelerated ageing tests
- Decontamination of flour, spices, seeds, juices…
- Monitoring of the oxidation of a food
- Replacement of additives with new natural antioxidants
- Encapsulation of active ingredients and probiotics
- Conservation of powders (caking phenomena, rehydration, solubilization)
Main partner laboratory : UMR Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM)
Specific research topics : functional properties of plyosids and proteins, aromatization / dearomatization, texturization (gelation, emulsification…)…
Liquid product texturization | Clean label formulation | Innovation through extrusion cooking
Technological advantage :
- Laboratory and pilot equipment: High-pressure vessels, homogenizer…
- Determination of the relationship between protein structure and function
Possible uses :
- Obtaining fibered textures by extrusion cooking: breakfast cereal rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat
- Reducing sugar and fat content in extruded products
- Stabilizing mousses and emulsions (organic, vegan…)
Main partner laboratory : UMR Procédés Alimentaires et Microbiologiques (PAM) and Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (CSGA)
Specific research topics : characterization, appreciation, differentiation…
Discriminant analyses | Product characterization
Technological advantage : evaluating the assessment of a product, its characteristics and carrying out product comparisons (12 equipped boxes and 1 culinary laboratory)
Possible uses :
- Forming an expert panel to characterize products
- Determining differences between a compliant and a non-compliant seed batch,
- Analyzing the impact of packaging on a food product
- Analyzing aromatic profiles
These training courses are given by engineers, research professors and industrialists and are complemented by practical workshops.
They will allow you to:
- develop added value for your products and processes
- find solutions adapted to your problems
- have a scientific approach driven by engineers and research professors
- speak directly to professionals
We offer you tailor-made R&D programs that guarantee you access to the latest state-of-the-art scientific and technological expertise and means.
Scientific and technical platforms
DIVVA Platform, Biotech’innov, CLIPP, Lipidomique, DIMACELL, Charolais Platform
State of the Art Materials and Laboratories
A 2000m2 food technology hall equipped with industrial pilot-scale materials:
- single-screw and twin-screw extrusion cookers,
- homogenizers, mixers…
- equipped culinary laboratory
- high-pressure vessels, continuous microwaves, sterilizers…
Sensory evaluation rooms: 12 equipped boxes and 1 culinary laboratory
A team of experts and scientists at your disposal
- In the human food sector:
Development of:- Meat and cheese substitutes made from textured vegetable proteins
- Continuously manufactured caramel
- Controlled hydration cereal chips
- Sliced sauces
- Aperitif snacks made from legumes (nutriscore A)
- Low-sugar breakfast cereal rich in fibre
- Protein-rich inclusions for chocolate bars (PAI)
- Vegan mayonnaise
- Fish substitute
- Formulation of a clean label fruit mousse
- Stabilization of a low-sugar, low-fat spread
- Aging study for topping sauces
- Conservation monitoring for macarons
- In the animal food sector:
- Kibble for domestic animals made from insects
- Fish feed
- In the cosmetics sector:
- Powder decontamination
- In the Nutraceutical sector
- Probiotic integration through biofilm capsules in food
- Sensory analyses
- Formation of an experienced panel to characterize a plant-based meringue
- Analysis of the impact of a cork on a wine’s sensory quality.
They trustes us
For more information
about Agri-Food R&D domain
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Other R&D expertises
Agri-environment BiotechnologiesMaterials | AnalyticsMaterials | Manufacturing
Health Humans and SocietiesVine and Wine
Dispositifs de financement : you can benefit from Sayens’ agréée schemes
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