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Technology platforms

Companies, you want to outsource your R&D projects?

Actors of regional innovation, the technology platforms develop customized solutions, meeting the industrial challenges of local companies and SMEs. Each of the Technology Platforms (PFT) operates in a specific field, pooling the expertise and high-level technical facilities of a network of educational establishments, high schools and universities.

The PFTs also have an objective of professionalizing students, since they involve young people in the realization of services.

Sayens supports and accompanies four state-of-the-art Technology Platforms in the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region, which are actors of regional innovation. Open to companies and private laboratories, they respond to the industrial challenges of local companies thanks to the expertise of the technical platforms of the educational institutions.

These platforms offer different types of services (analysis, mapping, modeling, imaging, etc.) in a wide range of scientific and technological specialties (engineering sciences, agri-food, etc.) with the support of the laboratories of the University of Burgundy and the Lycées of the Burgundy Franche-Comté academic region.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the Burgundy Franche-Comté Region via the European Regional Development Funds support the PFT to bring out your needs in technological innovations.

For more information


Technology Platforms, expertise, resources and state-of-the-art equipment for your development projects



Thanks to their skills, equipment and high-level resources, the Technology Platforms provide you with reactivity and the ability to provide recurring services in many fields.



Engineering and Automation of Production
Systems Technology Platform

logo plateforme IASP

The IASP Technology Platform offers feasibility studies and prototyping in the field of system automation. It brings its expertise in industrial computing and embedded systems. It also offers an implementation of distributed intelligence related to building and energy optimization, including training related to BIM.

Locations: Dijon – Nevers


Download PFT IASP leaflet 

Discover the solution offers

                                Automatism | BIM


The University of Burgundy’s partner laboratories

Partner high schools
The IASP Technology Platform pools the technological resources and expertise of a large network of high schools:


Examples of achievements

JUSTY PROJECT: Carrying out a comparative study of wind turbine bolt tightening tools, study and production of maintenance software for wind turbine bolt tightening

Process Optimization of Production
and Products Industrial
Platform (O3PI)

The O3PI Technology Platform brings its expertise and innovation to optimize the design and manufacture of plastic parts and associated tooling, particularly in recycled or agro-sourced polymer materials. The PFT has also acquired a recognized know-how in plastronics. O3PI is developing new skills related to construction: BIM digital modeling, materials, acoustics

Sites : Sens – Auxerre – Dijon
Contact :
Website :


Download_PFT O3PI leaflet

Discover the solution offers

                    Agro-materials | Plastronics


University of Burgundy Partner Laboratories
IUT of Dijon Auxerre

Partner high schools
The O3PI Technology Platform pools the technological resources and expertise of high schools:


 Platform3D (PF3D)

The 3D Technology Platform masters complex shapes. It assists companies in their prototyping projects for mechanisms or polymer parts, in the fields of additive manufacturing, precision 3D control and three-dimensional metrology, digitization and surface reconstruction, calculation and modeling, shape cutting and machining, and mechatronics. A new skill in design is now proposed.

Sites: Le Creusot – Autun – Digoin


Download_PF3D  leaflet

Discover the solution offers

                    3D printing | Mecatronics


University of Burgundy partner laboratories
ICB Laboratory | IMVIA Laboratory

Partner high schools
The 3D Technology Platform pools the technological resources and expertise of the IUT of Le Creusot and high schools:


Examples of achievements

KANGO Project: Prototype of an office chair back printed in ABS

Charolais Technological Platform

The Plateforme Technologique du Charolais develops innovations to enhance the value of beef, sheep and goat meat and local products, to promote short circuits. The PFT also supports the projects of local companies and producer-processors, and develops training in sensory analysis

Sites: Charolles, Dijon
Contact: vincent.lieutard@ac-dijon

Download PFT Charolais Leaflet
Discover the solution offers

Sensory analysis


University of Burgundy Partner Laboratories
Agri-food technology hall

Partner high school
The Plateforme Technologique du Charolais pools the technological resources and expertise of the Lycée Wittmer and the Institut du Charolais.


Examples of achievements

KURA Project: Partnership with the craft brewery of Japanese sakes, beers and condiments KŪRA, development of innovative meat products based on:
– Organic cooking sake (rice wine) and fermentation lees (kasu)
– Natural organic miso (fermented condiment made from rice and soy)

Discover the Kura project

Maison Dejorges Project: support for the launch of the Maison Dejorges business (manufacturer of fresh pasta and ravioli in the Nevers region)

Discover the Maison Dejorges project

Tecbois Platform

The Tecbois Technology Platform develops and produces products and processes for wood, soft materials and synthetic resins. To do this, it relies on high-performance technical platforms (5-axis machining, laser, membrane press, 3D scanning, etc.) and on expertise in CAD and CAM. Its laboratory allows the performance of mechanical tests (standard or custom: 10 T bending bench, etc.) and accelerated aging

Sites: Mouchard – Moirans en Montagne – Besançon

Download TECBOIS platform leaflet


University of Franche-Comté Partner Laboratories

Partner high school
Lycée des métiers du Bois de Mouchard et le Lycée Professionnel P. Vernotte de Moirans en Montagne


Examples of achievements

  • Design and production of rugby ball-shaped trophies for the French UNSS championship
  • Design, modeling, prototyping of speakers
  • Development and production of ornamental works (2020 Olympic Games, Roundabout, etc.)
  • Retopology of a cello table from a 3D scan of it for identical production on a machining center
  • Study, design, dimensioning and production of a bicycle shelter
  • Development of a boxwood watch case
  • Help in the development of a wooden lollipop
  • Gluing and machining of the solid wood part of a pavilion
  • 5-axis digital machining of a prototype of a cinerary urn

Usinage à Grande Vitesse Platform (UGV)

The UGV (High-Speed ​​Machining) Technology Platform contributes to the development and dissemination of mechanical production technology in the field of high-speed machining (UGV) and 3D metrology by producing prototypes and small series, optimizing cutting conditions and tool selection, and developing CAM programs in milling. It also performs three-dimensional control with or without digital definition. It offers training in high-speed machining and manufacturing

Sites: Vesoul, Besançon, Morteau

University of Franche-Comté Partner Laboratories


Partner high school
Lycée Edouard Belin à Vesoul


Examples of achievements

Production of prototypes, test parts, UGV/Electro-erosion comparison :

  • Small series manufacturing in different materials and hardness in order to optimize processes, productivity gains,
  • Help in defining specifications for investment in UGV technology,
  • Optimization of cutting conditions, tool/material torque, choice of tools, tests,
  • Development of CAM program in 2D, 3D milling, in 3, 4, 5 axes with optimized UGV paths,
  • Three-dimensional control with or without digital definition

High-speed machining :

  • Study of the different strategies to implement to invest in this technology
  • Computer-aided manufacturing
  • Implementation of High-speed machining
  • Control by probing or without contact

Microtechniques – Prototypage Platform (MP)

The MP (Microtechnology – Prototyping) Technology Platform produces high-precision prototypes in microtechnology. It provides its expertise in micro-molding, microfabrication, precision machining, laser cutting. It designs, develops and contributes to the integrated industrialization of micromechanical and/or microelectronic modules and microsystems.

Sites: Besançon, Morteau


University of Franche-Comté Partner Laboratories
IUT Besançon-Vesoul

Partner high school
Lycée Edgar Faure – Morteau et Lycée Jules Haag de Besançon


Examples of achievements

The PFT MP offers microtechnology and prototyping for the automotive, micromechanics, electronics, art, design, architecture, model making, medical, watchmaking and jewelry sectors.

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