
Funding arrangements

Innovate using public research and adapted funding

Companies, will you entrust your innovation and R&D projects to Sayens?

You benefit from access to leading public research technologies and expertise and from adapted financing mechanisms to support your activities: the CIFRE (Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche), the CIR (Crédit d’Impôt Recherche) and the CII (Crédit d’Impôt Innovation) are mechanisms to help companies in their research and development and innovation efforts.

Boost your R&D, develop an activity, engage in a research collaboration… thanks to the recruitment of a PhD student financed through a CIFRE agreement. 

The CIFRE (Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche) allows companies to rely on the skills of a young doctoral student supervised by a public research laboratory to help them innovate.
Thanks to the support of the skills, expertise and state-of-the-art equipment of the University of Burgundy and AgroSup Dijon
, Sayens helps you build your CIFRE program and supports you, along with the researchers, throughout its implementation and follow-up.
To learn more, see our webinars and articles

logo crédit impot recherche sayens

The Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) is open to all industrial, commercial, artisanal and agricultural companies, regardless of their size, that are involved in research and development.

Sayens relies on the skills and expertise of public research in its region and allows its partner companies to benefit from the CIR which reduces the tax due by the company by deducting part of the expenses incurred in order to develop its R&D activities.
As an approved organization, Sayens allows you to benefit from the advantages of the CIR for your innovation and R&D projects by using the expertise of public research.
To learn more, see our webinars and articles

Thanks to the Crédit d’Impôt Innovation (CII), you can benefit from a 20% reduction on your innovation expenses.

Sayens supports you with your innovation projects, with its portfolio of technologies and thanks to the research capacities, analyses and state-of-the-art equipment of its network of academic laboratories. As an accredited organization, Sayens allows you to benefit from the advantages of the CII for your innovation operations related to prototype designs for new products or your pilot installations.
To learn more discover our webinars and articles

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